Friday 21 August 2009

SuCCeSS is A ConTiNuOus JoUrNeY

Why do many people reach success and then fail? I think that it is a good question that Richard St. John presents in his lecture about success. It is an excellent question that can help us in our classroom and in our lives.

According to my work experience, I think that when children are studying, they ought to be persistent in order to improve their learning. Nevertheless, I have seen that students are comformist or simply they don't want to work in class. In other words, children think that they don't need to improve any more their learning, knowledge and marks. For these reasons, as Richard St. John said "success is a continuos journey". In my opinion, students cannot sit back and relax if they made something well. The main idea, is that they keep working hard in order to feel a sense of achievement. Richard St. John said that "if you achieve success then you can't relax, you have to sustain it". Students need to continue working and studying in order to obtain and maintain their success. As future teachers, we have to help them in this aspect.

Friday 14 August 2009


Hello people,

I think that one of the most important successes in my life was when I finished my high school. Maybe, that moment in life doesn't mean anything important for some people, however, in my case it meant a lot. In that moment, I felt an enormous sense of achievement because I had got one of the goals that my family and I wanted. My Father and Mother were really proud because of my success in high school. Also, it was a time in which I felt very well. In my opinion, it was important because I was the first member of my family that had finished high school, and in the meantime, I felt successful because it was an essential aim and an important step for my future.

To be honest, if you want to be a successful person in life, you need to have a hyper-competitive spirit and passion for hard challenges. In my case, I'm really persistent with my aims. The perseverance is something very important when you want to be successful in life.

Nowadays, I study at the university, for this reason I think that my next challenge and goal will be related to my studies. I believe that my following personal success will be when I have finished my career.

See you.....