Friday 21 August 2009

SuCCeSS is A ConTiNuOus JoUrNeY

Why do many people reach success and then fail? I think that it is a good question that Richard St. John presents in his lecture about success. It is an excellent question that can help us in our classroom and in our lives.

According to my work experience, I think that when children are studying, they ought to be persistent in order to improve their learning. Nevertheless, I have seen that students are comformist or simply they don't want to work in class. In other words, children think that they don't need to improve any more their learning, knowledge and marks. For these reasons, as Richard St. John said "success is a continuos journey". In my opinion, students cannot sit back and relax if they made something well. The main idea, is that they keep working hard in order to feel a sense of achievement. Richard St. John said that "if you achieve success then you can't relax, you have to sustain it". Students need to continue working and studying in order to obtain and maintain their success. As future teachers, we have to help them in this aspect.


  1. we also have to consider that perhaps children don't want to learn and don't want to stay at the classroom, because their teachers are not encouraging them to learn, they just encourage them to be obliged to learn... that is way maybe learning is not something interesting.

  2. Hi!
    I agree with you when you said that students are conformist and they don't want to improve their skills, maybe it's because of their lack of motivation. if you want to be succesful you have to being improving yourself every single day, and encourage yourself to do the best.
    see you!

  3. I agree with you that we should motivate students to work continually to be successful people, but do you know how can we do that? I think it is a great and interesting challenge!

  4. Our posts are too alike !!

  5. i totally agree with you
    nice video

    kiss and hugs
