Friday 14 August 2009


Hello people,

I think that one of the most important successes in my life was when I finished my high school. Maybe, that moment in life doesn't mean anything important for some people, however, in my case it meant a lot. In that moment, I felt an enormous sense of achievement because I had got one of the goals that my family and I wanted. My Father and Mother were really proud because of my success in high school. Also, it was a time in which I felt very well. In my opinion, it was important because I was the first member of my family that had finished high school, and in the meantime, I felt successful because it was an essential aim and an important step for my future.

To be honest, if you want to be a successful person in life, you need to have a hyper-competitive spirit and passion for hard challenges. In my case, I'm really persistent with my aims. The perseverance is something very important when you want to be successful in life.

Nowadays, I study at the university, for this reason I think that my next challenge and goal will be related to my studies. I believe that my following personal success will be when I have finished my career.

See you.....


  1. Hi!
    I really liked what you wrote. Maybe for some people to graduate is something normal but you were proud of yourself because you did something that your parents couldnt. The same thing is happening to me because I am the first member of my family in the university and I hope that my sister will be the next.

    Well I hope to be together in our graduation! ahaha


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aaw Moreno what a great moment is when you finish the high school time! It's like looking back and see all your effort reflected in your diploma, which also means new possibilities in your life. It's nice how you express your feeling in your writing, anyone would say you ahd a great time there.
    See you around!

  4. I looove what you wrote! really! Almost it makes me cry =(
    You know what? you are a great person, and I'm sure that you are going archieve all your goals =) tha's a fact!
    Best regards! see you soon

  5. OOOhh =)..... I know that you are going to finish your studies at the university, you are an intelligent and perseverant person!!!

    Remember, the sky is the limit!!! hahahaha....

    See you tomorrow Andresin!

  6. hi!
    I think it's wonderful to feel complete with something and it doesn't matter how important it's for people, but for you and your people.

  7. I agree with the others: what a touching story. Success is something so personal. That's what makes it special.
    Excellent English! You should be double proud of yourself! You have improved soooo much since L1!
