Friday 20 November 2009

TiNkERiNg ScHooL

What Gever Tulley said about “tinkering school" in his lecture is something that in our Chilean reality is very difficult to find. According to my work experience, teachers don’t apply these classes in our schools. They only teach contents according to Chilean curriculum. Indeed, they follow strategies, plans and activities made by the curriculum.

If we want to apply this concept of "tinkering school" in Chile, teachers’ minds should change in order to create in them a different way of thinking about education. Education is not only teaching things by heart and control students. Education means that teachers have to develop new strategies and believe in students’ abilities. Therefore, the first thing in order to apply the concept is that teachers should trust in their children. The idea is that students create their learning through their imagination and creativity. Then, teachers should give students different tools and motivation without following a curriculum.

Another important thing is that students feel very well in classroom. The main aim is that teachers change the environment of class (without control, repression and discipline) in order to develop in students a natural interest in learning. With this interest, students could work with their creativity and imagination in order to create their own tasks. It doesn’t matter whether students go wrong with their tasks because they will be feeling good and could learn of their mistakes.

In summary, teachers need to create the perfect environment in classroom in order to apply this concept of school and then students need to feel comfortable and use their creativity and imagination in what they do. To emphasize, we need classrooms without rules and norms of teaching in order to work with students’ creativity. In my opinion, it is the way of applying the concept of “tinkering school” in our Chilean public classrooms.


  1. Hi !

    Thanks for your post. I also found really interesting what you said about education. I totally agree with you that education should improve the students abilities, and teachers should reinforce that.

    I like what you said about learning. About creating knowledge by learning through imagination and creativy. It is related with construct knowledge in a cognitive way. Great!

    Have a nice exam`s week! byeee

  2. What Gever Tulley said about “tinkering school" in his lecture is something that in our Chilean reality is very difficult to find. According to my work experience, teachers don’t apply these classes in our schools. They only teach contents according to Chilean curriculum. Indeed, they follow strategies, plans and activities made by the curriculum.

    If we want to apply this concept of "tinkering school" in Chile, teachers’ minds should change in order to create in them a different way of thinking about education. Education is not only teaching things by heart and controlling students. Education means that teachers have to develop new strategies and believe in students’ abilities. Therefore, the first thing in order to apply the concept is that teachers should trust their children. The idea is that students create their learning through their imagination and creativity. Then, teachers should give students different tools and motivation without following a curriculum.

    Another important thing is that students need to feel very well in classroom. The main aim is that teachers change the environment of class (without control, repression and discipline) in order to develop in students a natural interest in learning. With this interest, students could work with their creativity and imagination in order to create their own tasks. It doesn’t matter whether students go wrong with their tasks because they will be feeling good and can learn from their mistakes.

    In summary, teachers need to create the perfect environment in classroom in order to apply this concept of school and then students need to feel comfortable and use their creativity and imagination in what they do. To emphasize, we need classrooms without rules and norms of teaching in order to work with students’ creativity. In my opinion, this is the way of applying the concept of “tinkering school” in our Chilean public classrooms.
