Wednesday 11 November 2009

UsiNg SoUnD in ThE CLaSSroOM...

First of all, I would like to say that I found really interesting the web site because it shows us a different way of teaching in class through the sounds. In the classroom, teachers can find many sounds that could help their job. Lamentably, they don't use these strategies that could improve students' attention and interest in their learning.

The sounds that occur in the environment could help teachers in the listening skills of students. These skills could help the children's learning process. For instance, in the web page we could find lesson plans in where students have to use their listening and visual skills (activities contain pictures, photographs and audio recording) in order to develop their learning. In the activities, they begin with a basic knowledge of the topic and with the audio recording and images, they begin to create their knowledge. The more sounds and photographs in the activities, the more information they relate and learn.

In my opinion, these kind of lessons are very different to the classes that we are used to see in our working experience. For this reason, I think these lessons could catch students' interest because they have different activities compared to others classes. Therefore, children could feel motivated because they are doing something unusual and interesting.

As futures teachers, we should use sounds, songs, audio recordings etc. in our classes because with theses kind of activities children could develop their senses, their way of think, their imagination and creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrés,

    I totally agree with your point of view. We do need to bring new ideas into the classroom to be better teachers. That lack of imagination, critical thinking and motivation on students and teachers is due to the same issue. Also, students can and should propose new ideas and improve their learning environment only if teachers consider them as a source of learning too. Otherwise, we will keep having the same flaws on the Educational system forever and ever.

    Have a nice day,

    "La Vale"
